Facts And Fiction About Sports

All people have different motivation to go to the gym – to lose weight, gain muscle mass or simply recharge yourself with energy. However, many are disappointed that instead of vivacity and new vitality they see no results. What's wrong? The fact is that among the hundreds of "proven" facts and "efficient" advice that newcomers often take into service, there are a lot of errors and frank nonsense. Let’s figure out what the truth is, and what lie is.

Sport Facts
11 Myths and Facts about Sports
1. Training is the most important thing if you want to lose weight quickly - Myth
Most studies show that at the first stage, when a visible result is needed in a short time, a right diet is much more important. And only in the future, sports can occupy the main place, helping to maintain the desired weight.
2. Strength training will turn fat into muscle - Myth
We wish everything were so simple! In fact, the fat does not turn into anything, but the barbell and dumbbells help to build up muscle tissue under any fat layering.
3. Morning is the perfect time for warming up and jogging - True
Although day and evening exercises are not less useful, still morning is especially good because it gives energy for the whole day, speeding up weight loss. In addition, it is important to get more daylight. Adjust your internal clock to the natural regime and soon you will notice how your metabolism is improved.
4. Weightlifting turns ladies into mannish athletes - Myth
The majority of people believe in this. They, apparently, do not know that the ability to build muscle mass depends on the level of testosterone directly, and it is known that in the female body the level is not so high than in the male body. So, if a woman is not set up to participate in the Olympics or bodybuilding competition but wants to strengthen the muscles, then go forward without any doubts!
5. The treadmill promotes a sharp burning of fat - Myth
To lose half a kilo, you need to burn 3,500 calories - can you imagine how much it is? This is much more than an adult should use on average for a whole day! Now look: an adult man gets rid of only 330 calories after 20 minutes of the treadmill at a moderate speed.
6. The best way to self-check food is to write down everything you eat - Not certainly in that way
Even if we sincerely try to control ourselves, our opinion is biased. All people, one way or another, tend to overestimate their physical activity and underestimate the amount eaten. That is, we sincerely think that we train "very hard", and eat "quite a bit".
7. To lose weight, you need to go on a diet - Not certainly in that way
All fashionable diets has one common flaw - they are temporary. The very phrase "to go on a diet" suggests that sooner or later you will "jump off" from it. And to lose weight once and for all, you need to find your ideal diet and stick to it all your life.
8. Marathon is more useful for health than running for short distances - Myth
5-10 minutes of fast, energetic running a day brings the same benefits as a multi-hour marathon. In addition, studies in recent years have shown that intensive exercises "short jerks" help health at least as much as long-term endurance training.
Running Is A Great Activity

9. One or two workouts per week is enough to stay in shape - Myth
Even if you are in a good shape, a couple of training are not enough. Ideally, you need to practise at least three times a week, and with the entire variety of exercises. And this is under the condition of daily physical activity. Scientists have found that lack of mobility neutralizes all the benefits brought.
10. After each training you need to consolidate success with a "sports drink" - Myth
For example, one of the most popular beverages in the world, Gatorade, which is sometimes even called a "liquid force," consists essentially of sugar and water, and the amount of sugar (as well as calories) is higher than normal. Nutritionists recommend replenishing fluids with simple water, and for muscle recovery use 20 grams of protein - this is the amount the body can digest at one time. And remember that natural sources of protein (eggs, fish, poultry, lean meat) are much better than any protein supplements.
11. After stopping training, you will lose form in a couple of weeks - True, and even more ...
This will happen even earlier. Without regular exercises, all your wonderful, so hard-earned muscle relief will begin to disappear in a few days! So one week of a full "rest" is enough to lose athletic form. Is it worth it?
Now, after reading the information above, we hope that your results we’ll be the ones you want.
